Pin Cherry
Latin: Prunus Pensylvanica
Height: 30 feet
Spread: 5-15 feet
Light: Full sun
Hardiness Zone: 2
Growth rate: fast
Lifespan: 20-40 years
Root system: shallow root system
Suckering: Yes
Plant 10 foot spacing for Shelterbelt purposes
Plug Material
Pin Cherry grows quickly and will produce a lot of fruit once mature, which many animals rely on in late summer. Pin Cherry fruit is a favorite with songbirds – it is commonly known as Bird Cherry! Recent interest in commercial production has been on the rise. The fruit is edible and is used in jams, jellies, preserves and wine.
This amazing pollinator is widespread across much of Canada, usually found in open woodlands. It is useful for erosion stabilization in areas such as riverbanks and recently disturbed stands. Incredible fall color!
Not as susceptible to black knot as it’s close counterpart, Western chokecherry. Will not tolerate standing water.
(Trees are sold in bundles of 10. Seedlings range from 8-20 inches. Trees are shipped in May via Canada post expedited services; you will then receive a delivery notice inside your mailbox. You will be notified by email once they are sent out. Please note: an admin/ app fee of $25 will be added to your order during checkout)