Latin: Pinus Sylvestris
Height: 50 ft
Spread : 18 feet
Life span: 100+
Light: partial shade-full sun
Hardiness : Zone 2
Growth rate: moderate
Suckering: no
Plug material
Plant 10 foot spacing for Shelterbelt purposes. The Scots pine is one of the most sought after pines for Canadian Shelterbelts. A moderate paced grower, hardy, drought resistant and symmetrical when young. At maturity, the orange-red bark stands out, amd the branches begin to sprawl out, which does provide ornamental value.
Tolerates bogs and swamps ; sandy soils, and helps stabilize sites with erosion issues. Does best in a sandy loam in full sun. Between 1950-1980, it was the most sought after Christmas tree.
(Trees are sold in bundles of 10. Seedlings range from 8-20 inches. Trees are shipped in May via Canada post expedited services, you will then receive a delivery notice inside your mailbox. You will be notified by email once they are sent out. Please note: an admin/ app fee of $25 will be added to your order during checkout)